Georgina Underwood
5 min readMay 14, 2024




So ashamed of myself for many years, guilt- ridden and hard-hearted I was apt at making excuses and blaming others. My heart ached as I continued to desire a voice in politics, especially for our womyn.

Each of our villages of the WSANEC NATION are still having the issues of conformity deformity. I started to use this term in regards to the relationship between church and state in kkkanada. Their ‘high and mighty’ influence, used with force upon the multitudes they considered UNDERLINGS.. I noticed that our indigenous peoples also suffer from this same debilitating effect. Conforming to a society that has shown nothing but disdain for our looks, language and culture. Colonialists and settlers alike could not see themselves in us or our ways and thus began a relationship of Indifference. One of hierarchical methodologies and systemic patterning and building blocks of the relationship based on race, and races, when it comes to the America’s, and dispossession of homelands. Making sure ‘we know our place’ in an imposing society. And as womyn, our place was relinquished many times to ‘less than dirt’. It’s only comparable to what is happening to Mother Earth, signs are out there. Sterilization and destruction of the womb. GENOCIDE through the continuation and on-going syndication of missing and murdered indigenous men, womyn, and all our relations. There is no age requirement. It can be likened to ‘murder for hire’, bounties for scalps, and the colonialists all time favorite, ‘the only good ‘injun’ is a ‘daid’ one. Legacies of an irreconcilable difference between Indigenous people and the state. One that does not give voice to the Indigenous except when in conflict, usually created by government control, inclusive of particular language of engagement; ie, reconciliation, new relationships, consultation, partners, all defined by the state and included in all their controlled media outlets. In particular, the CBC who are well engaged in communicado with the masters of distinctive and precise language practices of the day. The CBC is long practiced in understanding their bread and butter and well scripted and presentable as if meeting the queen on the daily. They do not give a shit about our stories. BECAUSE OF UNDRIP, Residential school disclosures, and MMIR canadians for a time actually sympathized and became ‘allies’, the supporters of Indigenous outcries.

Because of political distractions, weather, protests, once again the on-going assault against Indigenous nations in kkkanada was formulated behind closed doors and is working its way across the nation to usurp and malign the authority and jurisdiction of all bands.The disguises, the masks you hide behind have Canadian stamped all over it. You can multi-culturize your look on t.v. but you have a dishonorable heart. Behind the stories you tell is the governments influence. Words you can or cannot use. SWAT is Strategic words and tactics. Kkkanada uses these in relationships with Indigenous peoples. THE BARRIERS STARTED WITH LANGUAGE, in use of a fork-tonque the colonialist spat through indigenous territories. The language of the colonialist always begins with money or resources of extreme value, at no price other than the one they establish, precedent setting in its great illusion of friendship while inside the scheme continues to be acted out in his mind. Even alcohol has been an evil weapon wielded heavily during trade and in forming new relationships. It is the handshake, an honourable gesture turned into a life taking poison, a curse of alcohol use disorder which has slobbered through so many of our peoples lives.


I follow Russell Diabo, a political analyst. Very knowledgeable in state relationships with Indigenous in kkkanada. He writes the ‘FIRST NATION’S STRATEGIC BULLETIN. I support his work and recognize he has been walking with many political leaders that I have great respect for such as the Late George Manuel and late Phillip Paul. The Manuel family continues in the evolutionary work of this legacy, on the ground and in the courts, and in their truth-telling to the world. Vera, Marlene,Bob, Arthur, Kanahus and others I apologize for not knowing all.

WETSUWETEN leading the way in protecting land and waters as familial stewards. Our family has CELANEN, ancestral responsibilities as hunters, gatherers, fishers within a specific territory of land or water. GOVERNANCE.


NUCHATLAHT BAND standing up in courts to take back Nootka Island and courts recognizing only a parcel for return.

Significant considering the government cant be trusted as their laws are not the same as ours in relationship to our territories assigned by the Creator.

AND Gaza, Ukraine, refugees and immigration; THE distractions Keeping Trudeau from being accountable to Indigenous Nations as he screws us all and our treaties too. HE IS THE GREAT MONOPOLIZER of time if we allow it.

Kkkanada is setting up Indigenous nations with the red paper of chretien and Trudeau #1 era revisited. The ‘white paper’ is underway in some parts of kkkanada. Indigenous nations will be white-washed’ out of distinct self-determination practices into a configuration of government over-politicization (more hoops) known as 4th level governance, right at bottom, under municipalities, and under new framework agreements to establish provincial jurisdiction over Indigenous relations. DEFINITELY A NEW AGENT IN TOWN

The activist in me cries out for doable actions I can engage in. I must do more than read about it. I HAVE sat back too long in a drunken state, the weapon of my enemy! I have sat back too long whining around on my pity throne. Oh whoa is me, let’s get drunk! I am breaking a cycle I started in me, I am choosing to set myself free to speak and to write. To forgive myself and recover.

I want to inform our people as I know shutting down media access has been used against us. ANOTHER method to dispossess us and separate us from llifesaving and other important information like MMIR and Wildfires, floods, and current engagements of genocide and warfare against us. I say #canadahasnohonor aand #canadahatesus because it’s true. UNDRIP has become the biggest lie and is being used as an internal weapon to continue to steal and dispossess and discredit the ancestral heritage and ties to the laands and waters. shows how kkkanada manipulates their ‘place’ in the United nations to continue to reword and reclassify any ‘true spirit ‘ the declaration held in the beginning.following suit with the brother in the south, the other genocide king. The United States.

If you read this far, HIWSKE. I AM 241 Days sober, Nearing 8 months. I am proud of me, most of the time now. RED ROAD here we go!

Georgina Underwood

Indigenous Warrior Womyn, mother of five, grandmother of 15 with a great grandson. Have many arrows in my quiver. Land and sea 4 life. Sober and alive!