Thank you. I find myself in that place. I too, quit smoking but picked it up again upon sobriety and making the justifications for it daily. Though I hate it. I long for a social life outside of drinking and did so even when i was drinking. I am going to keep working on finding 'my people'. I too avoid bars as i used to love to go every once in a while; but watching the world series made me wish for a beer, a favorite pastime to sit and watch the games and drink. Alone or with friends. I decided that I wanted to try the 'un-beers'; i had tried a few when I was drinking alcohol and liked the taste, a Coors version, and another I found at the cornerstore. Anyways, this was me going back to the same beer and wine store where I had gleefully accumulated points on a most often daily basis getting coors light and gin smash. I could not believe all the thoughts in my head about being able to enter in the store and all the staff know me, blah blah, etc. Well, i kinda announced it that i was 40 days sober but I wanted to get some 'un-beer'; of course they didn't recognize my terminology as I am elderly and their all young sugar and spice. I said alcohol free, and the guy helped me right away, showed me a section they had set up for non-alcoholic drinks, wines, spritzers, beers, ales, etc.
I could not believe how hard it was for me to go in but after my purchase I did feel empowered to make the choice within the home of 'the devil', who not so long ago was my favorite dance partner, and i can still collect points...keeping my enemy close. On with kicking the smoking habit again. sorry for my wordiness. Peace.